The wave frequency is a measure of A. Score 1 User: Which of the following best describes reverberation? Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. Question. Log in for more information. (3) The basic relationship between phase c$, frequency v,,, and time interval r of the ideal sine wave is given in radians by the following: f$ = 2nv,s, (4)This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. 28, the doubled value of pi. Asked 158 days ago|3/27/2023 3:37:57 PM. [3/28/2017 1:26:25 PM] Comments. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it cannot be. M. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. New answers . the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelengththe wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. The frequency of a wave is measured as the number of complete back-and-forth vibrations of a particle of the medium per unit of time. Score 1. the number of seconds the signal takes to complete two up and down cycles. As one increases the other decreases. 1, in volts, V(t) = V, sin(2nv, f). C. Question. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Updated 110 days ago|11/19/2022 12:42:23 AM. Score 1. Weegy: Natural frequency occurs when a body's molecular wavelength sends vibrations to another body, resulting in the production of another sound wave. 20) You dip your finger repeatedly into water and make waves. But if that's higher frequency, because of this formula, speed of a wave is lambda times frequency wavelength, times frequency. Asked 361 days ago|3/8/2022 1:33:00 AM. Q is as ratio of stored energy to dispersed energy. Asked 139 days ago|10/11/2022 12:28:00 AM. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Terms in this set (20) The distance between two crests of a transverse wave is referred to as the. Weegy: The waste product of electrons and pyruvate combining in fermentation is lactic acid. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Learn the formula. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Weegy: Increasing the thickness of the string used would lower the pitch of a string instrument's sound. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Weegy: Piracy is typically an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea. Asked 3/15/2016 12:35:04 PM. Added 8/4/2020 11:17:48 AM. Weegy: Your license will be suspended for 90 days in florida in you accumulate 18 points within 18 months. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it cannot be. 8. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Answer: C. Read More, Waves;. Question Asked 87 days ago|8/28/2023 7:51:46 PM Updated 17 days ago|11/6/2023 2:46:08 PM 0 Answers/Comments This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Log in for more information. Health a measure of a person's body structure and function and the presence or absence of disease or signs. Updated 34 days ago|2/12/2023 8:38:15 AM. Updated 3 minutes 22 seconds ago|11/3/2023 2:31:18 AM. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live. 0 Answers/Comments. D. b. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Question 2 options: the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. The wave frequency is a measure of Question 2 options: the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. Score 1. 98. The wave frequency is a measure of A. Weegy: A package of ground beef costs $6. This frequency range is audible to most people. Updated 4/2/2021 5:36:57 AM. audible frequency: A wave frequency that is greater than 20 Hz and less than 20000Hz. The price. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: If a material has a high index of refraction, it has high optical density, and light travels more slowly through it. In general, the frequency is the reciprocal of the period, or time interval; i. Log in for more information. Question. The activity or energy of the signal at a given frequency is commonly measured as power, which is the amplitude squared. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. A. Weegy: Every complete sentence contains Subject, verb and predicates. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Score 1. Log in for more information. 3/23/2023 12:29:02 AM| 6 Answers. C. Asked 8/20/2019 8:22:07 PM. Expert answered|Jerrald@22|Points 20325|. Log in for more information. The equation that relates frequency, wavelength and the speed of light can be tattooed on your forehead: Basically, the frequency is just a measure of how fast the wave is oscillating. Figure 17. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Weegy: The Pentagon in Washington DC is immense in size, with each outside wall 921 feet in length. B. B. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. New answers. A commonly used unit for frequency is the Hertz (abbreviated Hz), where. M. Score 1. Score 1. Log in for more information. Frequency and period are basically measuring the same characteristic of a wave and can be related by the equation period = 1 / frequency. TRUE. Log in for more information. Add. Sample Problems. Question. User: A buyer who offers to pay for. 0 Answers/Comments. The price. Question. It is also occasionally referred to as temporal frequency. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. What will the end result be? Weegy: Suppose that two sources of sound produce waves. The wave frequency is a measure of. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Learn how this results in. Updated 4/22/2022 2:32:14 PM. Weegy: An OBTUSE angle is less than 180 degrees, but more than 90 degrees. an association of people of a certain trade or occupation c. Log in for more information. Question and answer. Expert answered| Flora1988 |Points 1146|. Log in for more information. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of [ time. Popular Conversations. TRUE. Score 1. The radar can be mounted in a car or on a tripod. 0 Answers/Comments. The price per pound is $3. Jerraldrecto. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. D) time. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. Log in for more information. Frequency definition states that it is the number of complete cycles of waves passing a point in unit time. Updated 40 days ago|8/18/2023 2:02:07 PM. C) shortens. TRUE. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed; Signup; Log In; Question and answer. Score 1 User: Which of the following best describes reverberation? Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. Log in for more information. Score 1. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Question. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Weegy: A package of ground beef costs $6. In other words, if the sound of one vacuum cleaner measures 70 dB, 80 dB would be the equivalent of 10 vacuum cleaners. Score 1. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Expert answered| Jozeal |Points 16614| User: Suppose that two sources of sound produce waves of the same exact amplitude and frequency, but are out of phase by one-half of a wavelength. Asked 3/15/2016 12:35:04 PM. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. In the volume spanned by a. Weegy: The five major personality traits are openness. [ Manual muscle testing (MMT) is the most common way to test muscle strength. Score 1. Sound waves carry energy parallel to the motion of the. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: You need to include explanation of this evidence to show readers your line of thinking. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. The wave frequency is a measure of. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. 0 Answers/Comments. Rating. This Doppler shift in turn causes a change in the frequency of the radio. TRUE. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Question. Asked 10/24/2021 10:49:59 AM. Weegy: Diabetic people's bodies are less efficient at creating insulin out of their blood. Frequency is a measure of how many waves pass by in one second. Weegy: If a number is a whole number, then it. Rating. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. 98. speed D. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. . Weegy: Natural frequency occurs when a body's molecular wavelength sends vibrations to another body, resulting in the production of another sound wave. Question. Light waves carry energy parallel to the motion of the wave, while sound waves carry energy perpendicular to it. Weegy: A car travels from Boston to Hartford in 4 hours. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. weegy. Weegy: A package of ground beef costs $6. Asked 10/24/2021 10:49:59 AM. In almost all regions, heatwave frequency demonstrates the most rapid and significant change. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live. Question|Asked by graciek. Weegy: A car travels from Boston to Hartford in 4 hours. Asked 185 days ago|10/11/2022 12:28:00 AM. Question. C. Weegy: $10,000 is the correct minimum coverage that you must have for Property Damage Liability. User: Suppose that two sources of sound produce waves of the same exact amplitude and frequency, but are out of phase by one-half of a wavelength. weegy. Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. ] Expert answered| capslock |Points 18413|. Both light and sound waves need matter to carry energy from one place to another. Question. The purpose of a tuner in a radio: it is subsystem that receives radio frequency (RF) transmissions and converts the selected carrier frequency and its associated bandwidth into a fixed frequency that is suitable for further processing, [ usually because a lower frequency is used on the output. User: Suppose that two sources of sound produce waves of the same exact amplitude and frequency, but are out of phase by one-half of a wavelength. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Question. Score 1 User: what is the primary source of a sound? A refraction A medium to carry the signal A vibration A frequency Weegy: A vibration is the primary source of a sound. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live. Question. The wave frequency is a measure. weegy. Score 1. Weegy: If a material has a high index of refraction, it has high optical density, and light travels more slowly through it. ) the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Rating. Learning tools, flashcards, and textbook solutions | Quizlet(a) On Fig. Log in for more information. The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of [ time. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. What will the end result be? The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. What element is missing from construction drawings Physical. Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. Weegy: Natural. Score 1. CHIRP: Acronym for compressed high-iIntensity radar pulse. What is the primary source of a sound? A vibration. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. Score 1 User: what is the primary source of a sound? A refraction A medium to carry the signal A vibration A frequency Weegy: A vibration is the primary source of a sound. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Updated 28 days ago|10/1/2023 8:18:42 PM. d. 5 mm = 7. Log in for more information. Exam with this question: Quiz – Wireless Signals and Modulation. D. 38,451,684. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. ] Expert answered|capslock|Points 18413| Log in for more information. User: the wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Score 1. Expert answered|MichellDonovan|Points 6280|. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Wallet. Wavelength is only limited to a wave. Asked 187 days ago|4/7/2023 7:47:25 PM. What is the frequency? Frequency is the number of oscillations per second in a wave. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. weegy. Question. Weegy: The process by which energy is released is known as: combustion. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. ro. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. impact. Log in for more information. 0 Answers/Comments. 6. Weegy: An OBTUSE angle is less than 180 degrees, but more than 90 degrees. The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Masamune. The wave frequency is a measure of Question 2 options: the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. Log in for more information. The frequency of a wave is inversely proportional to its wavelength. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Added 4/11/2016 9:19:04 AM. The wave frequency is a measure of Question 2 options: the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. This radar uses a frequency of 24. Question. Question. The wave frequency is a measure of. Weegy: Microsleep is a. C) frequency. 10 s per wave 0. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1. Comments Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Score 1 User: Which of the following best describes reverberation? Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. amplitude of wave motion. Expert answered|houd|Points 4049| Log in for more information. C. Updated 3/11/2017 1:29:52 AM. Question. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. ] Score 1 User: What is the primary source of a sound? Log in for more information. Log in for more information. C. Use the equation (f = frac {1} {T}) to calculate the frequency. D. Score 1. the time required for the wave to travel a distance equal to its wavelength. Score 1 User: What is the primary source of a sound? The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. D. Updated 35 days ago|2/12/2023 8:38:15 AM. Get an answer. Score 1. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Popular Conversations. Log in for more information. 0 Answers/Comments. Expert answered|matahari|Points 71877| Log in for more information. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. New answers. The frequency of a wave refers to how often the particles of the medium vibrate when a wave passes through the medium. Question. User: The wave frequency is a measure of Weegy: The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Weegy: In Parasitism relationship, one organism benefits by. 1 Answer/Comment. Asked 69 days ago|8/28/2023 7:51:46 PM. D. 2. There are no new. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. The wave frequency is a measure of The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of [ time. C. The Doppler effect can be described as the effect produced by a moving source of waves in which there is an apparent upward shift in frequency for observers towards whom the source is approaching and an apparent downward shift in frequency for. The wave frequency is a measure of the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. As the wavelength of a wave increases, the frequency decreases. Question. You can rearrange this formula to calculate the frequency, given the wavelength of a wave. B. Weegy: The boy s room was creatively decorated with. The phase for each argument value, relative to the start of the cycle, is shown at the bottom, in degrees from 0° to 360° and in radians from 0 to 2π. 21) During a single period, the distance traveled by a wave is. D. Log in for more information. Thus, third option is. Asked 15 hours 51 minutes ago|6/13/2023 5:28:07 PM. f = frequency = number of waves produced by a source per second, in hertz Hz. Updated 86 days ago|2/13/2023. ExampleWhile not negligible, this is not a strong dependence. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. Asked 3/3/2017 12:20:09 PM. Frequency is a measure of how frequently a wave oscillates up and down, so two sounds with the same frequency will have sine waves that look the same and complete their cycle at the same rate. m = ρV = ρAλ. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. Score 1 User: Which of the following best describes reverberation? Weegy: Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. Score 1. The number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Question. Question. Weegy: Vibration is the primary source of a sound. The wave frequency is a measure of: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time. Log in for more information. Weegy: Vibration is the primary source of a sound. f. Weegy: The horizontal distance from the crest of a wave to an adjacent crest is called the wavelength. pulse of wave motion. the total distance traveled by the wave in a unit of time. 1/24/2023 12:51:15 AM| 5 Answers. the maximum distance a molecule has been moved from its normal position. the number of waves that pass a particular point in a unit of time. Substitute the value of the period into the equation to find the frequency. MichellDonovan. Score 1. sound waves can travel around corners but light waves cannot. Asked 9/30/2019 2:57:19 PM. psychrometer: Measures amount of moisture in the air. Score 1. A linear wavenumber is often used due to its direct relationship with both frequency and energy. A. Weegy: George Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army on June 15, 1775. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Expert answered|matahari|Points 71877|.